Viral Indecision

Well ladies and gentlemen, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

There comes a time in all of our lives when we just gotta paint or get off the ladder.

Fish or cut bait.

Metamorphosize ajax or exit the social media chamber.

At this point, I’ve made a decision which aligns with that particular directive.

No longer will I sit there looking through the scope with my finger on the trigger waiting for additional instructions from that internal monologue which chants rhythmically:  “Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, ……..”

Instead, I’m going to pull the trigger about my vaccination status.

I’m going to hurry up and wait.

Snap decisions have never really gotten me anywhere, and for the most part have generally made things worserer.

That’s a word.  I made it up years ago, and it appears on a t-shirt buried in my closet among other dark solids.

Rest assured, I trust the science. 

I just don’t trust the scientists.

I trust that the vaccine is effective for doing what it’s supposed to do.

Allow me to do a little level setting.

The vaccine appears to do a better job at reducing symptoms than it does in stopping transmission and infection.  I can point to three reasons behind that assessment.

Those with specific comorbidities or compromised immunity are encouraged to get the vaccine, because their bodies can’t handle the effects of the virus on their own.

The hospitals are treating more unvaccinated people as of late.  This is because their symptoms are worserer than what they would have been had they gotten the jab. 

Recently, there have been plenty of reports of fully vaccinated individuals testing positive for the virus.  They haven’t had to go to the hospital for treatment because their symptoms haven’t been severe enough to necessitate it.

Level setting is now complete with the expectation that we’re not a few degrees outta plum.

For those of you who caught what I just did there, know that I did it on porpoise.  I’m under my quota for forced malaprops this month.

The problem is that the highly exalted lack-of-thought leaders and other powers-that-be are acting as if:

  1. The virus can be eradicated.
  2. The virus is worserer than a white supremacist exacting insurrection on the US Capitol on a cold day in January.

I don’t believe the virus will be eradicated anytime soon. 

All of the advances of science to date have yet to provide us weaponry that goes beyond treating symptoms of a viral infection.  There’s another argument for my assessment about the vaccine treating the symptoms of COVID.

I have no doubt that the virus is being treated as if it is worserer than it actual is.

Look no further than our behavior over the last 18 months.

There was the great toilet paper shortage at the outset, followed by mask mandates.

If you’re long on plexi-glass futures, you’re bound to make a killing.

Our elected officials became tyrants in the name of public safety.

We twisted election laws in the most unconstitutional ways possible using COVID as an excuse.

Vaccine mandates are imminent.

Honestly, I’m a little surprised the woke mob hasn’t attacked the word “mandate” as residing in the arsenal of toxic masculinity.  The term should be recoined to something less gendered like “tyrannical directive”, “dictate from the dick”, or “anal sanction”.

Okay one of those leans towards toxic masculinity.  I just couldn’t resist the wordplay.

Here’s what we need to consider as I look to bring this thing to a close.

Did toilet paper hoarding get us out of the pandemic?  No.

How effective have mask mandates really been?  I’m not familiar with one place where the mandate worked.  Are you?

Will the vaccine keep us from getting COVID?  It doesn’t seem like it.

So I’m going to hurry up and wait for better information or a better approach.

There appears to be only one measure to fight COVID, and that’s to do it in the same manner we use to fight any other virus.


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