Un-Dirty Word Believable

Ladies and gentlemen, this one pretty much writes itself.

At 9:15 this morning, I was sitting in a conference room listening to a business summary for the month of May when my phone buzzed me.

One of the news apps I have had the unfortunate duty to inform yours truly that things had gone horrible awry in the Supreme Court.

I’ve been fuming and stewing ever since.

I’ve already discussed this subject matter at length on TharpSter.Org, every since I launched this site 3 years ago next month.

Tonight I have plans to go to a movie with the soon to be old boss, the soon to be new boss, and some co-conspirators.

We will see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Killer.


Gone are the days, ladies and gentlemen.

Gone are the days.

At this point, there’s only one more event where the planets have to line up in order to get rid of that law.

Vote Responsibly Y’all.


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