The Sun Comes Up In The East

Assuming the man loses the election this November, we could be as generally screwed then as if he had won.


You know who I’m talking about.


It’s a forgone conclusion that a second term for TOTUS & The Symbiant could see the President go nuts with a full bore, nitro-infused agenda hopped up on a case or two of Red Bull.


After all, the man will never have to run for office again, and any sense of accountability to the base that put him in office in the first place experiences nothing but a severe case of presenteeism.


Well ladies and gentlemen, if you see the sun come up in the east on a regular basis with no deviation, you just tend to expect it there.


That being said, I can say with no doubt whatsoever that I’ve seen the sun come in the east.


On each of those days where the sun has come up in the east, I’ve seen the President, his minions in his administration, his mouthpieces in the media, and his kool aid guzzling sycophants commit vicious assaults on truth, justice, and the American way.  In the wake of that assault, the broken dreams of the shrinking middle class lay at the feet of the purveyors of big government, redistributive policies, and social justice.


Guess what else I’ve seen?


I’ve seen the President spend more time blaming others for it’s problems instead of sacking up, owning an issue, and striving to fix it.


I’ve seen the President take steps outside of his Constitutional authority in order to implement policy which could not be implemented through traditional means.


I’ve seen the President refuse to enforce laws already on the books because of his political ideology.


I’ve seen the President dispense with three Amendments from the Bill of Rights.


I’d like to think you’ve seen them too.


So since I know the sun will come up in the east tomorrow, I can see the future.  Within a week of losing the election, the previous administration in one way or another will be blamed for it.  The winner of the election will be accused of cheating.  Charges of racism will litter the airwaves by progressives whose dog was in the fight but just couldn’t go the distance.  Riots will be spoken of and it’s possible a few small scuffles will break out.


Lies will be told.


You do realize that that’s not all don’t you?


Executive Orders galore will be executed to enact pet projects that never made they’re way through the legislative process.


Pardons will be issued too, and they will be surprising ones.


After the man leaves office in January, he’ll go on a speaking tour, followed up by a book tour, followed by new rounds of speeches, and a few more books.  Each letter, word, sentence, passage, paragraph, chapter, and oration will endeavor to rewrite history in a manner which will bully all three branches of government, regardless of party affiliation.


The man will make millions off of the lies he will tell.


I have no problem with that.


I will take it all in with a smile knowing that he’s not in office anymore.  Knowing the man is actually out there in the private sector earning an honest buck telling lies is fine with me.  Other politicians have done it.  Other politicians do it.  He will do it bigger and better.


Just you watch.

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