That Which Irritates Me

Like it or not ladies and gentlemen, there’s nothing like a groggy Monday morning to inspire cynical blog material.


Granted, a Monday morning usually doesn’t inspire a whole lot of any material for me short of the brilliant idea to go back to sleep.


None the less, I had an epiphany this morning while sitting there on the edge of the bed trying to wake up.  I should list the things that generally irritate me or drive me nuts.  After all, getting up on a Monday morning isn’t the most pleasant of experiences.  The hope here is that by airing out my pet peeves and making them public, maybe I could make a concerted effort to rid myself of those particular demons.


Yeah, probably not.


So with that, I give you a list of things that irritate me in no particular order.


  • A pickle on the side of anything
  • Pickles included
  • My OCD
  • On air witty banter amongst newscasters on the local channels
  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Those pants
  • Whoever keeps adjusting the arms on my chair in Cubeville when I’m not there needs to cut it out
  • Selective moral outrage
  • Knowing that the vet who takes care of my beloved dogs (and he does a pretty good job at it) is an Aggie
  • Sports fans whose three favorite teams are the Yankees, the Lakers, and the crackhead debutantes who play out of Dallas.  (Sorry people.  I have an autocorrect on my computer which updates automatically whenever I type that football team’s name).


I’m sure there are other items which serve to irritate me.  Maybe I’ll post a follow up later on, but probably not.

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