Predictions In The Wing

I came to the conclusion many years ago that Nostradamus was wrong more times than he was ever right.

For that matter, the times he was right is suspect thanks to the magic of conjecture, hindsight, co-inky-dinks, confirmation bias, and Oxford commas.

This morning’s lovingly slathered Everything bagel is a little bland. 

That’s a little unexpected, given the variety of seeds, grains, and other particulate introduced into those things so as to liven up my Saturday morning writing and flossing sessions.

“Lost, found, hidden for so long a time, the pastor will be honored as a demigod:  Before the Moon finishes its full period he will be dishonored by other winds.”

I mean come on, people!

It’s interesting that I can see a couple of different places to put the comma in that sentence.

Does that prophecy really point to the subject of one of my 6th grade science subjects whose work insured that all of that cream cheese I lovingly slathered on my breakfast this morning wouldn’t make me or the TharpSter TreadMill sick?

I think not.

Never the less (you thought I was going to say ‘irregardlessly’ didn’t you?),….


I left off at the point above because the dog’s predictable Saturday morning behavior became so ubiquitous when I was typing it that I stopped right there and took her for a round of frisbee golf.  Now that I’ve returned and replaced the batteries in my wireless keyboard, I can’t recall the salient point I was making just over an hour and a bag of dog poop ago.

Fortunately, I remember the theme of this post.  As such, a point lost at this time will either return or be relegated to obsolescence  because it wasn’t that good in the first place.

Based on the way this keyboard is acting, even with new batteries, I’m about to predict it right into the five gallon bucket adorned with a Texas flag and a trash liner if it doesn’t keep up with my verbal brilliance.

Okay, back to the French apothecary.

A 16th century pharmacist publishes a book of things to come.  Of all of the horrible things he’s credited with predicting, why is it that no one picked up what he said and endeavored to stop the bad events like the rise of Hitler, the Kennedy assassinations, or 9/11? 

That’s an easy answer, y’all.

The predictions were vague.  Don’t forget that there may be some translation issues as well.  The events which were supposedly predicted had various pieces of the puzzle which could be fit into the prediction.

Irregardlessly, Nostradamus isn’t the crux of today’s post. 

Granted, it paints a background.

This last week, the Trump campaign tweeted a video in which the Short Fingered Vulgarian in Chief took on the role of Thanos and snapped the gooch of kinetic retards behind impeachment out of existence. 

Perhaps those behind the tweet either forgot or failed to learn the fate of Thanos. 

I mean, come on people! 

Even though he was an over-arching nemesis across a score of movies over the last decade, you only have to watch a couple of them (totaling about 5 hours) to know that he got snapped out of existence himself.

By now, you’re asking yourself what all of this has to do with Nostradamus.

To that, I’ll say this.

On September 28th of this year (it was a Saturday), I posted All In With A Pair Of Twos.  It was in that piece, ladies and gentlemen, that I advised those pursuing impeachment that they were going down an ugly path.  Believe me, I’m not the first or the last to utter this.  They should know that by now.

In the process, I characterized impeachment as inevitable, and referenced Thanos.  I even posted a picture of Thanos saying “I am inevitable” as he was about to snap all of the good guys out of existence.




My September assessment and the Trump campaign’s December tweet had those three things in common. That means I predicted the tweet.

That makes my ability to predict things about as accurate as Nostradamus when you change a few things around, squint your eyes real tight, and look at it from a different angle.


I’m going to go one step further and double down on a prediction or two.  Bookmark this page kids.  Let’s see what happens between now and January, 2025.

TharpSterDamus Predictions:

  1. Trump will be impeached in the coming months.
  2. Trump will beat this impeachment.
  3. Trump will be re-elected in 2020.
  4. If the Democrats hang on to the House in 2020, they will impeach Trump again.

There I said it.

Now let’s see what happens.

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