Not Open For Discussion

Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s the end of the calendar year and I would be remiss if I didn’t offer up a sagaciously contrived summary of what the last 12 months have meant to me.

Do I really need to do that though?

How many posts are going up on the internet on this last day of 2021 with the same intentions, yet lacking the same level of verbal brilliance?

A whole bunch.

That being said, I’m not going to discuss the successes we here in the organization enjoyed as a result of steps we took four years ago around our monetary policy.

I’m not going to discuss the culling of sugar-laden energy drinks and bags of miniature chocolatey goodness from the standing grocery list.  Nor will I mention the results of said-culling and how they limited the effects of gravity on yours truly.

I don’t really need to discuss Mag-B the Slab, save for the fact that I just had to add that title into my customized dictionary so that a) I wouldn’t have to keep typing that Rubik’s Cube of a name, and 2) the mixed capitalization won’t fall prey to the consensus on how words should be spelt and CaPiTAlizeD. 

Odd, a red squiggly line didn’t appear under one of those words as expected.

I’m not going to discuss the sketchy outcome of the election and the subsequent efforts of the Alinskyites (sounds like “uncircumcised Philistines“) to marginalize and criminalize the truth.  For all tents and porpoises, a)I‘ve already said what I’m going to say for now, and 2) Let’s Go Brandon.

Even though I haven’t mentioned it here, I won’t be discussing the pending arrival of my grandson at the end of my natural year in May…..


I don’t really need to discuss the 27 books I read this year and what I got out of them.  Technically, it was 26 books and then a collection of 66 books curated into one.

I don’t really need to discuss the fact I only went to the movie theater twice this year, because when was the last time you went to the internet to read about how many movies some idiot saw in the theater during a given year?

So of all of the things from this last year which could be but won’t be discussed here today, I look back on it all for the one prevailing item which took a battering ram to the confines of my skull on a near daily basis and demanded on occupying space rent free.

That one item, beyond everything else, summarizes the last 12 months.

  1. Should I take the shot to reduce the effects of symptoms if/when I contract COVID?
  2. Does the government or any other entity have the right to compel me to take the shot to reduce the effects of symptoms if/when I contract COVID? 

Happy New Year Y’all.

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