Mandated Stuff

As I was perambulating amongst the written word this morning, I encountered an epiphany on a scale so significant, I had to stop everything I was doing to commit to this very website documentation of the sudden realization of something I’ve known all along.

Ruminate on that one a moment while I mark in my digital reader where I left off in the newest book I’m reading.

For those of you keeping score, I’ve finished reading about the various conflicts, battles, and wars between the Murcans and Native Murcans during the 19th century.  I’ve now moved on to learning more about decisive cases presented to the Supreme Court.

Timely, I know.

The only reason I even share that little tidbit with you in post number 801 is because a simple little passage on page 2 of chapter 1 was the vehicle of the aforementioned epiphany.

In the coming words, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to set the table and then make an assertion.  By doing so, I’d like to think that we will have all come to the same conclusion.

Let’s set the table.

At this point of time in our history, one of the assholes (the stupid and/or lying one) running for the Presidency wants a national mandate which dictates that we all wear a mask to fight the spread of COVID.  This officially qualifies him as an insufferable maskhole.

We currently live under a mandate in which we are to engage in the market place to purchase health insurance which meets certain criteria.  At one point, we were subject to a tax (SCOTUS called it that) if we failed to meet the demands of that mandate.  That particular tax has been removed in recent years, so the Constitutionality of the mandate is working its way through the court system and could land back in front of the Supreme Court.

Just to make it a little easier for us, the government set up a mechanism for us to obtain health insurance via a website.  Plans purchased through this website are designed to meet the minimum criteria as dictated by law.  Furthermore, subsidies are available for those who can’t afford the plans.

At least they used to be, and I would assume they still are.

Here’s a bigger picture point of view.

Over the years, people have taken it upon themselves to obtain health insurance sufficient enough to meet their needs.  At one point, the government intervened and mandated a bare minimum of coverage for all.  For those that couldn’t meet the minimum requirements, the government made the bare minimum of coverage available to all.

Epiphany, you’re up in five. 

Here comes an assertion.

Over the years, people have taken it upon themselves to engage in the free exercise of religion.  At one point, something intervened and mandated a bare minimum belief system for all.  For those who had not engaged in religion, a belief system rooted in science-ism has emerged and has been promoted as the one true religion above all others.

‘Science-ism’ appears in the TharpSter.Org Style Guide as the term used for all of the bullshit we’re subjected to everyday which is driven by narrative instead of fact.  It’s kind of like pornography, where you can’t define it, however you know it when you see it. 

Now you’re thinking at this point I’m going to hit you with a laundry list of examples which backs up my assertion about a mandated belief system.  Instead, I’ll challenge you to consider culture at this very this very moment in time and the messages it passes to you via any form of media available for consumption.  Look for it from our politicians, our news organizations, and our entertainment industry.

Trust the science.

Do what the scientists tell you.

Science tells us this.

Will you rely on what science tells us when you consider [insert any subject matter here]?

Science-ism is a mandated belief system. 

Convince me otherwise.

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