Just One Question

Man alive, I sure am getting tired of writing about the virus and masking.

Even still, the presence of a simple question followed up by a nonsensical answer continues to provide plenty of bantha fodder which stands ready, willing, and able to be molded, shaped, and reconstituted into the verbal brilliance submitted to an otherwise dull internet, endeavoring to Blog ‘Merica Great.

For the record, I wrote that on a Friday afternoon, right around the same time I was expected to deliver some kibble to the TharpSter TreadMill.

Saturday mornings are usually reserved for that activity, along with feeding the dog.

If there’s anything we can really take away from the 15 month (and counting) exile in our bemasktacled home offices, it’s the fact that the swamp monsters who covet every ounce of power over our lives really hit it big with this one.


No Whammies.

Bob’s your uncle.

That whole swamp monster idea is another lump of bantha fodder right now, and may or may not be discussed at a later time. 

I just got back from the grocery store a little while ago.  Suffice to say, my supply of coffee based energy drinks in a variety of flavors has been replenished, and stands ready to assist with removing the rogue particulate generated by the daily mastication of an Everything Bagel, lovingly slathered with cream cheese.

I’m thinking today’s trip was the first time I had been in the store after they lifted their mask mandate.  Soon to return are the more seasoned among us in their encore careers, randomly scattered throughout the store offering shoppers samples of the store brand queso, various smoked meats, and the occasional Swisher Sweet.

There was no sign on the door indicating that masks were required, requested, or rejected.  Instead, the public at large was allowed to make its own decision about wearing what’s become the universal sign of surrender.

The whole sight of a hybrid of those who chose to mask up and those who opted against it brought a question to mind.

The onboarding of the vaccination is the 21st century equivalent to the moonshot.

Yeah, yeah I know.  We’ll get to Mars this century, but for now we developed a vaccine to ward off the monsters under the bed in less than a year.  As such, I’m applying the “Been there, done that” analogy instead of “Hold my beer, watch this”.

According to a hastily executed and poorly attributed web search I conducted just moments ago, a vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.

Furthermore, I’m given to understand that the vaccines which have been made available are highly effective.  One could say that the delivery of these vaccines has allowed for life to begin returning to some weak-ass semblance of what it was before all of this nonsense started.  Honestly, I’ll believe the return to normalcy when I see it, but I’m not holding my breath.

Whereas I would normally ask the question and then offer up a bunch of biased suggestions as to why, I’m not going to do that.  There’s plenty of punditry for and against the vaccine and post-vaccination activity and protocols, and we’ve probably heard it all by now.  I’m not going to parrot any of that or offer up any more of my opinions at least in this, what seems like my gajillionth post about Wuhan’s Favorite Son.

Instead, I’ll continue my display of distrust in the experts across the spectrum and ask a simple question.

For those who are fully vaccinated, why do you continue to voluntarily wear a mask?

One thought on “Just One Question

  1. MOM June 18, 2021 at 9:44 pm

    I am fully vaccinated and I assure you I do not wear a mask, except to church, where it’s still required!


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