“Wow, I’ve always seen you with a hat before.” Yeah, that’s pretty much the first thing I hear from someone who has seen my flesh toned, follicle free melon for the first time without...
*editors note – The lead of today’s blog will provide you (the reader) with a multiple choice of punch lines. Regardless of which punch line you choose, the ensuing verbal brilliance will continue to...
Yesterday, my hometown took on some rain. As I was advised this morning at approximately 6:00 am, 3.7 inches fell into a rain gauge just a matter of miles from the domain here. In...
Chalk this one up as another recovered memory, ladies and gentlemen. I was just watching something on my basic cable package which features of plethora of channels bereft of quality programming designed to...
Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s Saturday morning. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the TharpSter Pit Bull is doing her part in the circle of life by leaving a little something...
Squirrels bumpin’ uglies in a cage. Today’s post ladies and gentlemen, features a video. I would tell you what it’s about, but you may have picked up a hint in the fragment I...
It’s 9:30 pm on a Friday night in south central (or is it central south) Texas where we hit something like 105 degrees today. We had burgers off of the grill earlier and I’ve...
Every once in awhile when I’m checking the viewership stats here on TharpSter.Org, I gain some unique insights on the goofy ass stuff you people are entering on your favorite search engine in order...
Ladies and gentlemen as you may remember, the events of July 3rd were quite eventful here at the TharpSter Domain. Faith the TharpSter TreadMill had part of her toe amputated right from under...