Well ladies and gentlemen, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There comes a time in all of our lives where we just have to stop wondering Who’s Crying Now and just...
Sleep alludes me. Another words, let me put it this way. There comes a time in all of our lives when the malaprops fly. The key is to figure out when they’ve...
Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s not every day that I utter a phrase that kicks off such an epiphonic (that’s a word, I coined it years ago) resonance within the reader that the residual...
Last year, at the onset of my 49th birthday, I started a new project here on TharpSter.org to chronicle some of the more memorable events of my 40’s. At the same time, I had...
Rest assured ladies and gentlemen, I didn’t really expect to pen this dispatch for several more years. Over the years that TharpSter.org has been on line, I’ve made it perfectly clear that dogs are...
Well ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my eclectic collection of verbal brilliance, wordsmithery, unmitigated babbling, and what’s considered to be generally unfettered jibber-jabber. At the time of this writing, it’s Good Friday, 2018....
“Okay everyone. Hang on and watch Randy open this one. You’ll want to see the look on his face.” I can’t really say I’ve ever heard that particular statement prior to tearing into a...
For what it’s worth, I’m all about getting as much use out my stuff that I can. It has nothing to do with being frugal with my resources or mindful of the environment...