Tim Conway is returning to television. Viewers among Generation X and the Baby Boomers will find the return of Conway to weekly television to be a welcome homecoming. Conway is best known...
Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever tried to recall a joke and all of its details as you were telling it to a group of people? The first time you ever heard the...
I sit here at Mr. Laptop (not to be confused with Mr. Coffee or Mr. Radar) at 4pm central on Saturday afternoon. It’s hot. The heat comes in some way by means of...
The real problem with Blockbuster isn’t the fact that its competition has figured out how to go beyond simple DVD rentals by running its service features through game consoles and the Internet. The...
I don’t really have anything of substantive value hidden in today’s entry. Yeah, yeah. I know. I rarely do. Recently at the auxiliary office, discussions happened within the conspiratorial gaggle in...