Wise Choices

An admonishment from the Blogger Laureate – Be forewarned that my own personal biases and the word ‘asshole’ will prominently shine through in the coming text.

Ladies and gentlemen, the promise of civility in an election exited the arena long ago.  I don’t think I have to tell you about that election of 1800, because I’d like to think you’ve either read about it, heard about it, or absorbed it from one of the news outlets prior to further ensconcing yourself in the verbal brilliance delivered by the very website on which you sit. 

It goes without saying that the election of 2020 will go down as……


It goes without saying.

How did we get here?

That’s easy.  The GOP nominated a brash asshole in 2016 who not only fights back, but goes on the offensive.  He’s not part of the establishment which transcends party lines and serves to govern as much of our lives as possible.  When he got elected, he set out to do exactly what he promised to, even though it went against the established norms of the ruling class.

Think about that for a minute, because I don’t know how much of the following statement has been said out loud since the last election.

An alarmingly significant number of calories has been burned to fuel the [insert lots of colorful, big worded adjectives right here] hatred for Donald Trump as President of the United States of America.

How many of those calorie burns have borne good fruit?

In the meantime, consider the fact our taxes have gone down and our income has gone up.  Fundamentals of a strong economy were put in place that were able to recover from the COVID suppression significantly faster than any previous fix to any previous panic, recession, crisis, depression, or crash.

Had we shut down our economy under the leadership of anyone other than the brash asshole, we would be in a horld of wurt and a mell of a hess.

But now, we have someone challenging the brash asshole for the Presidency.

It’s another asshole by the name of Joe Biden.

He’s either a stupid asshole or a lying asshole.

The avatar of Joe Biden presents a tenuous relationship with reality which leaves us wondering if this asshole knows better, or if this asshole knows better and is just lying about it.  Case in point, this asshole launched his campaign on the Charlottesville ‘fine people‘ hoax which has been debunked ad nauseam. 

An alarmingly significant number of calories has been burned to cover up and hide just what a stupid and/or lying asshole Joe Biden is.

Of course, that’s because an alarmingly significant number of calories has been burned to fuel the [insert lots of colorful, big worded adjectives right here] hatred for Donald Trump as President of the United States of America.

I personally am of the thought that even if elected, the stupid and/or lying asshole will not be running the show.  Furthermore, I believe a majority of his supporters believe the same thing.  It’s interesting if that’s true, because these people then have no idea of who they’re actually voting for.

Your suffrage this year will involve making a distinction between two assholes.

The brash asshole works to keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket.

The stupid asshole will take that same cash out of your pocket.

The brash asshole will continue to put America first in all of her endeavors.

The lying asshole has a record of putting the interests of other countries ahead of those of his own country.

The brash asshole has fomented acts of hate, anger, and violence only in the minds of those who hate him.

The stupid asshole has failed to disavow the acts of hate, anger, and violence perpetrated by those who hate the brash asshole.

The brash asshole is running the show.

The stupid asshole thinks he will.

Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t believe everyone should vote.  I believe those who are legally eligible to vote need more than just a pulse.  I believe the members of the electorate should fully understand the consequences of their decision.

If you can’t appreciate the difference between the brash asshole and the stupid and/or lying asshole, then don’t even bother exercising your rights and privilege this year.

Otherwise, choose your asshole wisely.

One thought on “Wise Choices

  1. The Third One Is A Doozy - Tharpster.Org January 23, 2023 at 9:13 am

    […] the same time, the stupid, lying asshole in chief is embroiled in a new scandal involving his irresponsible and illegal retention of […]


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