This morning, I reshared an old Bloom County strip which I posted on a previous election day. It features just one picture, where staff of the ill-fated Bill n’ Opus for President campaign were sitting in shambles after a devastating loss.

I don’t even have to guess on whether that image is a good representation of how those who voted for the Harris / Walz ticket are feeling.
I know that it is.
I know it because I’ve felt that way in previous elections.
Looking back on those elections and what ultimately happened, I can see where my concerns were well founded.
After all, we have the benefit of hindsight.
We could see what they did. Based on that we could see what they were going to do.
I’m looking forward and my concerns about what almost happened this time have been assuaged.
Now they will have to wait while we unburden ourselves from what they have done.
See what I just did there?
I’d like to address those of you who have found yourselves burdened by what happened this last week.
In a previous post I called attention to a group of people in my digital orbit who “insist on posting fallacious tales which echo ill-conceived narratives about the monster under the bed.”
Naturally, that same group of people has posted every bit of evidence in the last few days which leads me to believe that they are being undone by what has been done.
For purposes of this discussion, I’m going to expand the universe of those being undone.
There are all sorts of posts out there who are generally chewing us out for voting inappropriately.
To all of those people out there doing that, get your cognitive dissonance button out because I’m about to firmly press it.
‘Merica got it right y’all.
To those of you who suggested that we had to vote for the Harris / Walz ticket for the benefit of our daughters, I say this.
We voted that way to keep the worst-of-the-worst from coming here illegally from foreign lands to assault, rape, or even murder our daughters.
It didn’t have to be this way.
We voted that way to get men and boys out of our daughters’ sports, their locker rooms, and their bathrooms.
It didn’t have to be this way.
To those of you who suggested that we had to vote for the Harris / Walz ticket for reproductive health, I say this.
What you call “reproductive health”, we call murder. For what it’s worth there have been more instances of “reproductive health” since Roe v. Wade was stricken down, so you should probably take that one as a win.
To those of you who suggested that we had to vote for the Harris / Walz ticket for the good of the environment, I say this.
The climate change agenda is just another tool the authoritative state uses to keep the electorate in line. It doesn’t make sense for the bureaucracy to tell us how we can and cannot conduct our lives in the name of what junk science tells us about the climate.
It didn’t have to be this way.
To those of you who suggested that we had to vote for the Harris / Walz ticket for the good of the economy, I say this.
Are you better off now than you were four years ago? If your only answer to that question is that you were raised in the middle class, then it would seem that the economic policies that the Vice President helped to put into place have not been good for the economy.
It didn’t have to be this way.
To those of you who suggested that we had to vote for the Harris / Walz ticket for our standing on the world stage, I say this.
Our standing on the world stage is diminished, questioned, and challenged based on the policies which the Vice President helped to put in place. Consider the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, the Hamas attack on Israel, the illegal immigration issue and the associated human trafficking, and the fentanyl crisis.
It didn’t have to be this way.
In the last week, the internet has been thoroughly seasoned with the schadenfreude inducing displays of people trying to unburden themselves from what has been done.
Yet in all of the commentary I’ve seen on why we had to vote for the Harris / Walz ticket, the one reason which doesn’t come up is the argument that she’s more qualified for the job.
Why is that?
Harris was a bad candidate and not qualified for the job.
We saw this in her life in public office.
We saw this in the assignments she took on as Vice President.
We saw this in the 2020 campaign.
We saw this in the 2024 campaign.
Had the Harris / Walz ticket been eminently qualified to save our daughters, restore our economy, and restore the world peace that was breaking out five years ago, perhaps all of the on-line rants would have enumerated those features of the candidate.
But they don’t.
Instead, they stress the primary reason we should have voted for the Harris / Walz ticket was based on the melanin content of her plumbing. Voting based on those immutable traits alone strikes me as sexist, racist, and just a little bit retarded.
Strike that.
It sounds really retarded, not just a little bit.
So to those of you who are still passionately engaged in a full-on meltdown, you need to find a better way to process this ordeal in a more constructive manner.
Posting a slew of your rants, tantrums, and diatribes on the internet is not going to help.
All the rights you think you’re about to lose are not going away.
That, of course, is provided that you’re not here illegally committing heinous crimes on our daughters. If that’s the case, then you need to leave now before we find and expel you.
Otherwise, you still have your rights.
Your financial situation is going to get better.
Your sense of security is going to get better.
Your country’s standing on the world stage will get better.
Your government is going to get better.
Your life is going to get better.
If in four years you feel that your life has not gotten better, then work to change the system.
Bring back the financial siege.
Bring back the abusive regulation.
Bring back the federal control over reproductive health.
Bring back the human trafficking.
Bring back the crime.
Bring back the wars.
Bring back the threats to our daughters.
Reburden yourselves with what used to be.