Mas Laser Eyes

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Squirrels bumpin’ uglies in a cage.


Today’s post ladies and gentlemen, features a video.  I would tell you what it’s about, but you may have picked up a hint in the fragment I carefully placed in the lead into today’s adventure into verbal brilliance.


Now that you’ve scrolled down to verify whether I actually posted such an exciting video, let’s get back to the reading requirements shall we?


My problem tonight is that I’m getting some interference.  Said interference is coming from the TharpSter Pit Bull.  She essentially takes up a station here at my left side, and noses my arm.  It’s playing major havoc on the words I type which feature letters on the left side of the keyboard.


Speaking of the keyboard, who actually came up with the QWERTY layout anyway?


*pause for effect and a quick research trip*


Well then.  There you go.


The QWERTY layout was designed so as to help avoid jams created by people typing too fast.


That doesn’t do us a whole lot of good today now, does it?


Even still, I can find typewriter ribbon at my office supply toy store, but even so, the days of having an pivoting arm with a letter on the end swinging and striking paper had already gone by the wayside when I was learning to type on an IBM Selectric.


So what does squirrels bumpin’ uglies in an cage have to do with a QWERTY keyboard as it applies to today’s post?


Nothing really.


Just tangential filler.


So let’s get back to my beloved Pit Bull, Hope.


When she takes up a station here as I work, she activates her laser eyes in an effort to distract me from my important work here on the internet.  Grand Moff Tarkin would have loved her when it came to proving that the Death Star was fully operational.  Why do you think that George Lucas called the movie “A New Hope”?


He was talking about my dog.


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