It would seem to be true that what comes around goes around. I guess. I don’t remember whether I’ve discussed them a whole lot here, but now is as good as time as any...
Ladies and gentlemen, pack your shit. I think it’s time to leave. There comes a time in all of our lives when a sign introduces itself into our lives that pretty much serves as...
Newsroom is a show on HBO which features Jeff Daniels as a news anchor. That’s all I know about it. I don’t watch it and have never seen an episode of it. It helps...
“Does that mean that everything that’s happened here in the last ten minutes will probably show up out there on the web?” Jump back in time a few minutes before when I was...
Editors note: Today’s foray into verbal brilliance for an otherwise dull internet will be the last, plain Jane, no frills, middle of the road installment of Letters From The Past. The remaining three posts...
Ya know, there comes a time in every man’s life where he just has to sit down and watch Star Wars. Geez oh Petes. How many more of these things do I have...
“I need you guys to tell me if this sounds too flippant.” Not since the first time I saw the crawl at the beginning of Star Wars in the summer of 1977 at...
There is a moment in every dawn when light floats, there is the possibility of magic. –Douglas Adams If you are camped near water, you may be awakened very early in the morning...
It was just a matter of time before the menace-festation returned. Now atop the frame which steadies the decoupage loaded sneeze guard which presumably separates me from the rest of the world in...
Chalk this one up as something I didn’t completely write. I heard it on the radio this morning and couldn’t help but to parrot the story back here in order to take up some...