A little over twenty years ago when I first arrived in the Alamo city, I had access to a couple of different grocery stores which possessed a national reputation. The two which come to...
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just a matter of time before we all need to pack our shit and get the hell out of Chrysler. Why doesn’t that sound right? ...
“I need you guys to tell me if this sounds too flippant.” Not since the first time I saw the crawl at the beginning of Star Wars in the summer of 1977 at...
There’s a relatively dirty movie out there called Waiting featuring the actor-like stylings of Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long, that guy whose name I can’t remember right now, and a host of others. A...
Well ladies and gentlemen, when it comes down to it, living by the river is dying by the river. Yeah that’s a poker reference, but I can’t help but to suspect there may...
The principle of the matter is that the principle of the matter doesn’t seem to matter. Go back and read that again out loud. I’ll wait. *Pause for effect* Isn’t that brilliant? The principle...
Right off the top of my flesh toned noggin, I don’t remember the exact date I coined the “Vote Responsibly Y’all” phrase. ; Given the wonders of computers and what they can do, I...
I sit here at 5:30 am on Wednesday after a night of tossing and turning. I usually sleep better, but that wasn’t the case last night. The President has been re-elected. The...
Provided that the incumbent went down yesterday in a humiliating defeat, I offer the following. I don’t dance. It’s not that I don’t dance that much. I don’t dance. Whenever I do, the pit...