It was a dark and stormy night. That’s right people, I just started a blog with the oldest literary cliché in the book. Many years ago, a group of writers got together...
Last night, Wifey and I ventured out from the domain from spending the day celebrating Juniorette’s birthday to partake in a date night. We went to a movie. The movie we saw...
Yesterday, my hometown took on some rain. As I was advised this morning at approximately 6:00 am, 3.7 inches fell into a rain gauge just a matter of miles from the domain here. In...
I sit here at Mr. Laptop (not to be confused with Mr. Coffee or Mr. Radar) at 4pm central on Saturday afternoon. It’s hot. The heat comes in some way by means of...
It was just a matter of time before the menace-festation returned. Now atop the frame which steadies the decoupage loaded sneeze guard which presumably separates me from the rest of the world in...
After a week away from the domain setting up digs in the northern auxiliary branch of TharpSter.Org, Junior appears to be well on his way. Within a matter of days, he was stacking...
I think it’s only necessary at this point in time to call for a moment of silence in deference to my tormentor, the sock monkey. He will be missed. *pause to absorb...
New doors are opening themselves up to wonderful opportunities for your favorite blogger on the worldwide web. Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, I’m just as flabbergasted and excited as you are. Just by...
Tabloids will write ambitious stories about me and the encounters I’ve allegedly had with three boobed aliens that love dipping sopapillas in chile con queso. ...