Thursday, 11/03 and Wednesday, 11/09 will most likely go down in history as some of the most unproductive dates produced by the year 2016. Reason being is that the previous evening for both...
The election of 2016 will go down in history as……. Well…… The election of 2016. It’s currently 5:43 am central time on the morning after here at the TharpSter compound in Texas. ...
Mornin’ y’all. The occasion that I wake up on any given morning, fire up the ole laptop and log into the control center that manages what should be the most widely visited and...
Ya know, ladies and gentlemen….. There was a time on this very website where I would wax poetically about the political happenings of the day on what practically seems like a daily basis in...
It’s 3 am. You’ve been asleep for hours. Your perpetual somber is slated to end in 3, 2, 1….. Boom. Your bladder has woken you up with a specific demand....
Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our normally scheduled programming in order to bring you an act of marital bliss currently underway at the A&P. Never mind the young gentlemen bagging groceries up front...
Ladies and gentlemen, as of this writing the date is January 16, 2016. The latest Star Wars offering has been out nearly a month, and has taken in what I’m guessing to be in...
So there’s a point when you’re scratching the back of a big ole dog and you hit that magic spot. The dogs skin shifts back and forth in order to stay in the perfect...