Last week, while sitting in a cubicle in the middle of an abandoned, desolate wasteland which once bustled with the activities of the financial services industry before being shut down in favor of an elaborate conspiratorial scheme to wrestle power away from the will of the people, I received a text:
“If the Jedis were so good, why didn’t they just disable the other person’s light saber, or weapon? A simple click and jam the on/off button….”
The post was suffixed (is that a real verb?) by an emoji of the yellow face thinking deep thoughts.
Is it me, or does the fact that middle aged men using any type of emoji represent appropriation of a culture or generation which is unable to elaborate its musings with the written word? [Insert the emoji of the yellow face thinking deep thoughts right here]
I fired off a response and returned to my cubicle-born work in the middle of an abandoned, desolate wasteland which once bustled with the activities of the financial services industry before being shut down in favor of an elaborate conspiratorial scheme to wrestle power away from the will of the people.
“I put that in my blog about ten years ago.“
No emoji was included.