Ladies and gentlemen, this one pretty much writes itself. At 9:15 this morning, I was sitting in a conference room listening to a business summary for the month of May when my phone buzzed...
Within a matter of hours of SCOTUS handing down the decision that Arizona’s efforts to identify the legal status of suspected aliens during traffic stops was constitutional, the Administration announced that it would suspend...
I just want to take this moment to pass on my unwavering support and devotion to the fact that the private sector is doing just fine. My real concern is that there just aren’t...
At some point at the end of May when the great state of Texas gets to take part in the primary process after emerging from an assault on our sovreignity via abuse of the...
Did you know that Warren Buffet’s secretary pays more in taxes than Warren Buffet? Just for the sake of this discussion, let’s call her Bernice. I’m typing this bad boy out on a virtual...
Here I sit all broken hearted, Tried to poop but only farted So today I took a chance Saved a dime and pooped my pants — Unknown Somebody’s gotta go back and get a...
A few years ago when this site was but a collection of five or six articles, I wrote about universal healthcare and its potential assault on the 1st Amendment. You remember that one don’t...
Even though this is a four man race, the crop of contenders for the Republican nomination boils down to what I expect will be a bloody brawl between Newton and Mittens. In the past,...
First of all, my first question goes out to anyone poised to vote FOR Obama in the 2012 presidential election. Plain, clear and simple. Give me substantive reason(s) as to why the man...
*groan* Today, ladies and gentlemen, is the last day of my staycation. On a positive note, the debutantes and crackheads who represent Dallas in the NFL were sent home last night in a loss...