The election of 2016 will go down in history as……. Well…… The election of 2016. It’s currently 5:43 am central time on the morning after here at the TharpSter compound in Texas. ...
Dear America, Well the day is here. For those of you who will be voting in this election, you have a big decision ahead of you. You have the option to...
Dear Open Letter Writers, You know who you are. You’re the ones who have been writing open letters to those campaigning for the Presidency this time around and posting them on social...
Okay, the case I’m about to make here has already been made ad nauseam. Even still, the blinders are still on, and I feel it only fitting at this point to make the case...
Ya know, ladies and gentlemen….. There was a time on this very website where I would wax poetically about the political happenings of the day on what practically seems like a daily basis in...
Okay, now that Trump is just about done doing to the GOP establishment what he really needed to do, he needs to start designing a strategy to get the hell out of the race....