Yesterday, I had a sad and sudden realization.
As a result of that realization, again it was sad and sudden, I stand corrected.
I’m pretty sure I’ve used the term “epiphonic thump on the head” on this very website before. Hat tip to the recently deceased PJ O’Rourke who used that term in a book I read about 30 years ago. I don’t remember which one it was because like I said, it’s been 30 years and I’ve read a few books since then, some of which were penned by him. None the less, he made a similar reference in one of his books, and the term resonated more with me than the proper etiquette and rules around using excessive commas.
The term itself refers to the open-palmed smack on the forehead one initiates when they encounter an epiphany that is so poignant and so readily obvious that one can’t help but to punish themselves for lacking the mantic ability to have realized the truth beforehand.

You’re now wondering if I’m going to take the scenic route on sharing the realization, sad and sudden, or if I’m going to share it immediately so that you can skim to the bottom of the post so that you can rationalize away the fact that you didn’t really read the full post while claiming that you did.
Rest assured, I’m not going to get too scenic with this one. If the realization isn’t as readily obvious to you as it has become to me, I don’t see any use in breaking out the purple crayon and the Big Chief tablet to draw a picture. Such an act would be appropriation of the intersectional purple crayon lobby.
So here’s the realization, sad and sudden as it is.
Joseph Biden, First in His Name, Conjurer of Equitable Honkey Magic, Corn Pop Was A Bad Dude, Puppet of the Radical Left, Beneficiary of the Rigged Election, and Sniffer of Coifs is running the show right now.
Up until yesterday, when I turned yesterday years old, I had maintained the bias that the man was merely the face of the administration. I believed that there were others behind the scenes who orchestrated his campaign, directed his VP and cabinet picks, drafted the Executive Orders, and generally performed the duties involved with the office.
I believed that based on the man’s cognitive impairment alone, that he was not capable of doing the job.
Afterall, we already know that Biden’s election was the result of a “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
If a cabal of powerful people were needed to get Biden in office, it stands to reason that the same or a similar cabal was needed to help him do the job.
Here’s the problem.
Every single decision coming out of the White House since of January, 2021 has been to the detriment of the country. Look at the porous border, our abandonment of energy independence, our rising crime rates, our rapid inflation, and our botched exit from Afghanistan.
Could this many bad decisions be made by a cabal that successfully installed a candidate such as Joe Biden into office?
Consider the answer.
Any cabal worth its salt would slow walk these bad decisions incrementally like they’ve done for the last 100 years. This would allow them to continue to win elections and maintain the power needed to implement fundamental changes to the country. They wouldn’t open the fire hose and do it all at once.
Only a blithering idiot who bid adieu to their common sense many years ago would do it all at once like that.
Anyone know of a blithering idiot in a position of power who could make and execute such decisions?
Sad and sudden. I know.