Today’s word of the day is “informed”.
If you been informed on a particular subject, you’ve received details and facts which expand your knowledge.
You’ve been edumacated.
For the record, consider yourself informed that I’ve updated the custom dictionary on my laptop to dispense with the red squiggly line which admonishes me that the word ‘edumacated’ is misspelled.
Some people are ill-informed.
The ill-informed are the people who believe that something wrong is something right. Based on the bad information they’ve received, their behavior doesn’t conform to one who’s been properly informed and has acted appropriately.
Some people are uninformed.
The uninformed are the people who just don’t know that something they may think is right is actually something wrong. Based on the lack of information they’ve received, their behavior doesn’t conform to one who’s been properly informed and has acted appropriately.
Some people are informed.
Among the informed are those who choose to reject the data, the facts, and the details bestowed upon them and behave in a manner consistent with being either ill-informed or uninformed. This is called cognitive dissonance. Their behavior does not comport with what they know to be correct.
In recent years, the month of June has been hijacked and bastardized into an unadulterated display of pride.
Pride for what, you may ask.
For that, I will say this.
There is a segment of humanity out there today which endeavors to put their behavior on full display for the world to see.

Those who broadcast their bad behavior are proud to do so.
In the last decade, they’ve turned up the volume of their message so high it reminds you of that guy who used to live in the apartment next door who cranked the volume knob on his stereo to 11 at all hours of the day and night and wouldn’t turn the gosh darned thing down, even after repeated requests from his neighbors and property management.
That message, blaring at you from all sides, not only normalizes bad behavior, but encourages like-minded adherents to have pride in the engagement of such behavior.
In recent years, the first month of my natural new year has been completely ruined by those who are blaring the stereo with the message that people should be proud about their behavior.
There are some who have been ill-informed about their disgusting behavior.
There are some who are uninformed about their disgusting behavior.
There are some who have been informed about their disgusting behavior.
To the ill-informed, the uninformed, and the properly informed who continue to carry on with such disgusting behavior in the name of pride, understand that you are aiding and abetting the evil one in the destruction of humankind.