Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s not every day that I utter a phrase that kicks off such an epiphonic (that’s a word, I coined it years ago) resonance within the reader that the residual...
Well ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my eclectic collection of verbal brilliance, wordsmithery, unmitigated babbling, and what’s considered to be generally unfettered jibber-jabber. At the time of this writing, it’s Good Friday, 2018....
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve gotten to a point where the small collection of thought provoking posts which have served to enhance the intestinal fortitude of some and trouble the delicate constitutions of others is...
I sit here post-epiphany in my blue walled StudyTorium ensconced in the nostalgic flotsam and jetsam of my youth while imbibing a cherry flavored Diet Dr. Pepper. Hang on, I gotta pee. *pause for...
Nearly six years ago, my dear friends, I shared a nifty little nugget of creamy, bacon flavored goodness with the world. Since then, the world has changed. You don’t need me to outline all...
Well ladies and gentlemen, the year is almost over and what do we have to show for it? Okay, to be honest, there’s plenty we have to show for it. I got some...
…And then there was that time when in early November we returned to our home church after an absence of several years and life subsequently presented us with new and less than wonderful opportunities...
Ladies and gentlemen, after all of these years of reading the voluminous dispatches of verbal brilliance delivered to you from a self-proclaimed stubby fingered vulgarian via a worldwide network of machinery designed to deliver...
As I march forth in my ill-conceived and clumsy endeavor to age gracefully, I find it only necessary to begin taking part in all of the activities which are required for men of my...