All In With A Pair Of Twos

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This morning, the alarm on my watch went off at a time it wasn’t supposed to.  Being the creature of habit that I am, I didn’t ignore it and return to my slumber where I dreamed of being the prosperous proprietor of an all-you-can-eat nacho bar.

Instead, I got up, fed the dog, and then donned my favorite and only pair of gray camouflage cargo shorts, my red sleeveless t-shirt with the picture of the eagle wearing a hat that says ‘Merica, and my old black, loose laced New Balance shoes which serve as my house slippers.

It’s pumpkin pie spice season and I’m having nothing of it.

As I sit here in the bloggery this morning fending off demands of the aforementioned dog, it occurs to me that I haven’t dedicated a whole lot of webspace to political opinion in the years since the 2016 election. 

There was a time when I first launched this site that most of my posts were discussions about the Creepy Cult of Personality and his desire to change the way we do things.  All these years later, I just don’t have the desire to discuss his successor for a host of reasons.

I expect that the biggest driver there is the fact that I voted for Donald Trump.  I’ve been generally hard pressed to object to whatever it is he’s doing on a daily basis in the execution of his time in office.  For those times when something has come up that I didn’t like, the subject matter wasn’t beefy enough for me to burn a calorie or two gritchin’ about it here on the internet.  For what it’s worth, I did suggest at one point during the GOP primaries that it was time for Trump to leave the stage.  Looking back, I’m glad he didn’t and I’m glad that some of my conclusions missed their mark.

Rest assured if Hillary had won, I would still be littering this site with rants about her shenanigans.  I spent plenty of time on the Macedonian Content Farm in the lead-up to the 2016 election doing everything I could to swift-boat her back to the private sector.  I have no doubt and make no bones about the fact that I would have continued that same behavior had the rust belt turned out the vote for her.

At the same time, I find no desire to serve as an acolyte for the President whenever he gets it right.  It would seem like the guy can light his own candle without assistance from some middle aged bald guy  who posts blogs about slathering cream cheese on a bagel and gaslighting telemarketers.

In recent days, Nancy Pelosi has acquiesced to a certain segment of her party that maybe it’s time to pursue impeachment charges against Donald Trump.

Even Thanos thought he was inevitable.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not going to sit here and discuss why the President should or should not be impeached.  If he committed an impeachable offense, impeach him.  If he didn’t commit an impeachable offense, but the right number of people with the right amount of power believe that he did, impeach him.

Irregardlessly, let’s think beyond the sell and expect that impeachment is the natural conclusion in efforts to remove Donald Trump from office.

First of all, it should go without saying that even if the House impeaches Trump, the Senate will not vote to remove him from office.  Operating on that particular factor, consider what would happen if / when Operation Impeach 45 takes place:

  • Trump beats impeachment
  • Trump campaigns against the Democrats as the party of obstruction
  • Trump gets re-elected

But wait, there’s more:

  • The Democrats suffer some major defeats in the 2020 election
  • The Democrats lose control of the House as a repudiation of their impeachment efforts
  • Once impeachment has happened, and Trump has been re-elected, all of the Democrats’ cards will have been played, and they will have lost all of their ability to investigate or take any other action against the President.

One of the rich ironies of it all is that all of the steps the Democrats are taking now in their vein (or vain, take your pick) attempt to remove Trump from office is that it all seems to be done in an effort to prop up their weak field of candidates.

Even if impeachment weren’t on the table, I don’t believe any of the candidates running for the Democratic nomination right now could beat Trump in 2020.  It would seem that all of the key indicators point toward re-election. 

So when it comes down to it, you have one of two scenarios for next year’s election:

Trump vs Eventual Democratic Nominee


Trump vs The Failed Impeachment Attempt

I think we all know who wins either one of those match-ups.

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