The Jeep *was* running better.
Blame the Blizzard.
Not the nasty snow storm, mind you. We don’t get those in my corner of Texas.
I was talking about the ice cream treat. I figure if Dairy Queen can jack with their malts, then their Blizzards can jack with my Jeep.
The Jeep ran great for a few hours last night until the ill fated decision was made to go get Blizzards. When Wifey got back, the engine was making a weird sound, and continued to after she turned the engine off.
It’s as if the starter was still spinning in there. As a result, we couldn’t even get it started back up.
I had to disconnect the battery just to get the starter to stop with its ADHD activity.
Even worse was the fact that the Chocolate Extreme Blizzard just didn’t taste right.
I told you this issue with the Jeep was going to result in something stupid, didn’t I?