SW: Return Of The Continuity Era

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Ya know, there comes a time in every man’s life where he just has to sit down and watch Star Wars.


Geez oh Petes.  How many more of these things do I have left?


Having completed my little blogging exercise in Two Truths & A Lie, I’m now left with finishing out the rest of the month with a daily blog to write.  All things being equal, the next time I take on such an endeavor, I’ll look for some major coin to sweeten the pot.


Note to the good people at Lipton and Hamburger Helper.  I’ve given your products a lot of lip service here.  I’ll be more than happy to put up banners in the header if the price is right.


In the meantime, I did something today I haven’t done in quite awhile.  I watched Star Wars.  For reasons which are still not quite known, I’ve been thinking about watching the original trilogy for sometime now.  Generally, when these movies show up on Spike or one of the other dumpster-like channels afforded to the TharpSter organization in our basic cable package, I avoid them.


So this morning, I threw my DVD in the player and watched it for the first time on the 42″ TV.


That’s right.  I said 42.


We’ve had that TV for a couple of years now, so it’s been awhile since I’ve watched the movie.  In watching the film I noticed a few things.


Sad to say, after all of these years of being a big fan, I can’t help but to scoff at the bad dialogue.  It’s always been a good story, though.  Just bad dialogue.


In general, I noticed all the stuff George Lucas added to it in the late 90’s as a precursor to the prequel.


Yeah, whatever.


A lot of people were ticked off by that, others applauded it.  George Lucas created that universe.  Let him do with it what he will.  I read somewhere that Douglas Adams jacked with his universe a couple of times in the process of writing the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series.  Regardless of what Lucas did or did not do to that film, I’m still holding to the paradigm that Han shot first.


I’m still reading the Adams series on my e-reader by the way.   I don’t spend a whole lot of time reading these days, what with producing a daily blog.


Where was I?


Oh yeah.  Star Wars.


I noticed a continuity error while watching that film today.  I’ve been watching the George Lucas magnum opus (bitchin’, italicized phrase) for over 35 years now, and on a random, unplanned screening, I caught a continuity error.


Now I’m not saying that I’m the first one who’s ever found it.  In fact, hang on a minute.  I’m going to go check Google real quick to either confirm that statement, or inflate my ego.


Be right back.


*pause for effect*


Okay I’m back.


I only checked one website and a YouTube video for the error and guess what?


I didn’t find any mention of the boo-boo I identified today.


At this point, I’m cautiously optimistic about inflating the ole ego too soon.  None the less, I’ll tell you what I saw.


Or will I?


That would be pretty arrogant of me to dangle that little nugget in front of you like a carrot tied to the end of a stick, only not to give up the 411, wouldn’t it?


Far be it for me to ever pull a stunt like that.


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